Friday, December 11, 2009

You can make a difference! Contribute to our Fall Campaign

Below is a message from our Director of CHIN (Carolina Homeless Information Network).


This week our thoughts turn to giving thanks for the abundance and blessings we have received. This is the season of the year when thousands of people in North Carolina give of their time and talents by volunteering in soup kitchens and homeless shelters to help the neediest among us. It is a wonderful gesture of concern for our neighbors who no longer know the comfort and security of having a home. Thankfully, the outpouring of generosity literally saves the lives of those experiencing the harsh reality homelessness. Still, it is not enough.

Homelessness is not seasonal. If you look closely, the number of homeless individuals and families is growing and the need for assistance is greater than ever. Agencies that serve the homeless are trying to meet this need. However, contributions are scarce and competition for funding is increasingly competitive. Anecdotal stories of volunteers serving Thanksgiving meals are not enough.

Today, funders require data to document the need and justify future resources. Data is needed to make informed decisions. When agencies tell their story they need statistics, numbers to prove their program’s effectiveness. When they need statistics on homelessness they turn to the Carolina Homeless Information Network (CHIN), a homeless management information system managed by the North Carolina Housing Coalition (NCHC).

Data from CHIN is used to understand the changing face of homelessness. Currently more than 350 agencies across North Carolina depend on CHIN to enter information on the services and shelter provided to the homeless. As data is gathered it is used to determine an unduplicated count of individuals served. Funders, policy makers, and service organizations rely on CHIN to tell the story. CHIN provides agencies with sophisticated reports that are used for federal, state, and local reporting requirements.

Your contribution to the North Carolina Housing Coalition helps ensure that CHIN will be available for all agencies that seek to help the homeless and precariously housed. The NCHC has quietly become a national leader in addressing the continuum of housing concerns, from homelessness to home owner. No other organization in North Carolina has the vision and capability to make a difference for so many people in need. We need your contribution to help those who are working so tirelessly to help others.

This holiday season, give the gift of knowledge. Your contribution will help the NCHC continue its ground-breaking work, and through your financial assistance, we will change lives.

Best regards,
H. E. "Hunter" Thompson
Carolina Homeless Information Network
North Carolina Housing Coalition

Click here to donate!

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